Welcome Kyle and Will!

You're the only people who should know about this site, at this point, so I welcome you to understand what this project is about.  It's primary ambition is to animate a scene from a classic videogame, verbatum, pixel for pixel, in precisely the same way it would appear in the game.

Take a look around.  April is fundraising month and determines June.  Let's try our best.

Layering Stencils Procedure


This particular cut-out is the bottom stencil, or the first layer.  Generally the larger parts go first and the smaller (less area) stencils go afterwards.

Each "object" in the game is divided into different colored areas, to make stenciling simpler.

The reference point is usually 1,16 (x=1, y=16) or the top left corner of the stencil.

Many images, particularly glyphs pertaining to the gameplay, are often in the 16px range.

All graphics in Super Mural Bros is set to the very same scale.  It's a pretty good system.  Combine these two stencils (layer 1, layer 2)