Your Questions: Addressed!

From Cliff Bailey on Google Plus:

Hi there, this sounds like a great idea.  I co-own and edit for a video production company.  If there is any support or any ideas I can help with please don't hesitate to ask!  Good luck with it!

Thanks Cliff.  Maybe if you can share the information about the project with your crowd, it might actually happen.  Then we can get into the specifics of the film editing.  

We've decided to work on a 1px = 1cm scale.  The first stencils for a beta test have been cut, and our test project is "Galaga."  It's sort of like a space invaders game.

The scene we're going to try to re-enact is one where the fighter zaps a bluebug, so they're called, and then the warper (another character) essentially lays out a tractor beam.  

We're still estimating frame rate. 

This "test pilot" will be part of the featured video.  Again, we're encouraging other groups to try it as part of the continuous 'retro/vintage' movement that perpetuates gaming.  We think that it's better than violent games.  It's kind of an 'art game' of sorts for people to play, and that's even better.  There is a strong contingent of parents out there that would agree with that philosophy.  

But we're way behind schedule in funding.  We don't do anything unless people want to see it happen.  Crowdsource funding is essentially the world saying, collectively, 'we want this to happen.'

Hopeful that has convinced you to participate in funding.  
If not, perhaps consider sharing the link to kickstarter to interested parties.  

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