Creating the Graphics.

This looks like a printer, but it actually cuts things.  
The images from the videogames are incredibly small.  In fact, many of them are only 16 pixels by pixels.  To compare, the computer screen on an iPhone4 is 960 pixels by 640 pixels.  

In order to make these images precise, and still much larger, the best way to do this is to essentially cut them out of stencils.  And why do that by hand when you can program a machine to do it for you?

The files that will appear on this page will be the Illustrator (AI) files that you can use on your own graphics vinyl cutting printer.  They'll be the same files used in the project, if funding is successful.  

Adobe Illustrator file types will be used for the cutting of the stencils.  The standard feature "Export Screenshot" from the Nestopia Emulator for Macintosh will be used to obtain the graphics.  Different frames will be extracted by timing the shortcut keys (ctrl+s).  These will then be enlarged to the specified size (1px = 2" or 3" approximately), due to the restraints for the particular cutter that we'll be using.  

Altogether, it will be a good resource if you are a teacher and you have access to one of these machines and would like to create this sort of project for your school or art group in your area.  Files will be folders full of .AI files for cutting shapes pertaining to the games (identified by the name of the folder).  

Kickstarter Page

You can contribute to this project simply by visiting the Kickstarter page.  It's a very simple to understand platform for fundraising. 

If the project gets funded, then you get rewards.  If it is not funded, then none of the potential supporters get pay a fee.  

Meanwhile feel free to learn more about classic 8-Bit games here on this website.  The educational part of the site is free! 

If the project goes over funding by some degree, and more people choose to support it than has been budgeted ($2500), then additional 8-Bit murals will probably be created.  

Check out some of the features, watch videos, and learn more!

View the Full Kickstarter Fundraising Page

Kickstarter $200 Award

The textbooks will be produced by "Blurb" and be of a hardcover 8x10 quality feel.  This is an example of what the book will look like (video).

The book will be approximately 30 pages in length, and contain relevant information pertaining to the evolution of games, as well as the importance of udnerstanding "the classics;" both an anthropological and culturally relevant history of the human mind as it became first locked into interaction with computers in the form of some of the earliest video games.

Award for $200 contribution.

Kickstarter Video


Pecha Kucha Slideshow Preview