Field Trip Recommendations

Oh yes.  #SupaMural.  One of the more timely ideas of our day.  Think about it.  The world needs more Street Art.  We all unanimously agree upon that.

Plus people gotta remember about the classics.

What could be more important than a guy with a hat on sideways with some big shades on, and a pair of binoculars?  Not much you might say.

The image below, the binoculars, were lifted from a videogame which came out in the 1980's.  It's a great design.  Examine the patterns and symmetry.  You'll be challenged to depict 'binoculars' using fewer pixels.

That's a part of the academic portion of Supamural.  It's not just an art project.  It's a study into the earliest days during the evolution of videogames.

Field Trip Recommendations

If your group wants to go on a field trip, and you live in New England, #Supamural recommends FunSpot in New Hampshire.  It's where world records are set.  It's the place where "King of Kong" was filmed.  It's the most accurate example of what a full-sized arcade would have looked like in the years between 1980-1996.  Read more about FunSpot.

Are you from a different geographic region?  Recommend a quality vintage arcade by sending an email with Subject:Classic Arcade in (Your Region).  Mailto:SupaMural@Gmail.Com

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