Magical World

The idea?  To install 8Bit graphics as street art, directly lifted from videogames.  Like computer code, these images must be precisely interpreted in order for visuals to "work" correctly, with your support.

Project Goals
Ultra-violent hyper-realistic videogames are all the rage these days.  Literally in certain cases.  It's been noted that with regards to many of the more concerning moments in recent history, that the perpetrators of the most violent crimes were obsessed with first-person shooter games.

The very first videogames were extremely limited by the abilities of the processors at the time.  Still these games were loved by millions.  This project seeks to reintroduce the public to the imagery from those games, which is basic in nature, sometimes only 16 by 16 pixels, but still very familiar.

  • Educate the youth of today about the first generation of videogames.
  • Beautify urban areas with familiar art that remains familiar in everyones' minds.
  • Reinforce the importance of non-violence in videogames as a social cause.

This project seeks to re-establish the classic age of videogames, during the 1980's, as a way of encouraging young people to explore that world.

Process Chronology

Raise Funds

Obviously you can't have an awesome art installation project without funds being raised.
If the goals are met, then the rest of the steps can be proceeded to.

Extract Graphics
Take game screen shots and save as transparent Png and increase the scale by 1600%

Export to Cutter Platform
Cut images by programming a machine, using .4 Mylar 4'x5' Sheets.

Get Wall
ArtSpace in New Haven has offered a nice-sized 6' by 4' wall for the project.

Paint Project
Using the techniques described in this site, the artwork will be applied to the wall.

Animate Project
Using other techniques also described in this site, animations will be created.

Take Stop Motion Photography
Make a video using animation in stop motion art.

Make Educational Film
Use the stop motion and other materials to create an educational film about art, videogames, computers, and programming.

Thanks and Credit

Cut-outs will be produced with help from Channel1Online.Com
Much Thanks to Lou Cox and the New Haven Community

Indoor Installation This Summer with space offered by ArtSpace
Much Thanks to Helen, Mike, Shannon, JP and everyone at Artspace

The Expressed Support and Interest of Stereomedia
Thanks to Sol Lewitt installer Will Reynolds for help and inspiration
Thanks to Kyle Skar, Architect, for problem-solving support

Links and Support

Funding and Support Provided By You (Hopefully)

Really hope that you'll find this project worth funding.  

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